Release Spinpass 1.0.2

Release Spinpass 1.0.2

Hello, everyone. We released the 1.0.2 version of Spinpass. You can update or download the app from these links iOS and Android.


We only have improvements that made this app much better.


We made these improvements.

1. Improve API calls

The API call from this app got very fast do to performance tuning and refactoring some code.

For example, when you open an app page, it got about 5 times faster to load the application’s infrastracture, pipelines and tasks.

2. Support access token toggle button

Now, you can see the raw access token if you tap the toggle button in the left of the input field.

3. Webhook type stage support

Now, Spinpass supports the Webhook type stages. You can see the info of the stage from the pipeline detail page.

What’s Next

We haven’t decide what to do next. If you have any requests, please contact us!


If you have request or questions, please contact from Twitter DM or email. See the Contact Page for details.